
Cielo Profundo
Guía Fotográfica de las

Constelación del mes de

Piscis Austrinus

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Latín: Piscis Austrinus (PsA)
Inglés: Southern Fish Castellano: Pez Austral
Alemán: Südlicher Fisch Francés: Poisson austral

The southern constellation of Piscis Austrinus is shown in the image with parts of Capricornus and Aquarius above (see lines).

In mid of September the above field culminates at about 23:00 LT (11 pm). At moderate northern latitudes the southern constellation only reaches some degrees above the southern horizon. The declination of this constellation ranges from -37 to -25 degrees. The main star of Piscis Austrinus, called Fomalhaut, shines at first magnitude and thus is easy to see.

Piscis Austrinus contains a few faint galaxies. Brighter deep sky objects are missing in this constellation. However, two are visible at the top of the above field and belong already to the neighboring constellations.

© todas las fotografías han sido obtenidas por Till Credner y Sven Kohle