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Visual Constellations

A photographic field guide

Natural Impression

The constellation photos resemble more or less the impression of the starry sky we have by naked eye. They are intended to be quite natural, just the way the well adapted naked eye might see the stars in a clear night at full darkness, little moonlight or at the rest of twilight. If you prefer deep photographies, also showing the myriad of fainter stars we usually can't see by naked eye, please have a look at my "Deep Photographic Guide to the Constellations". Poster of the Zodiac
Visual Mosaic of the Zodiac Constellations


There is no standard for the constellation outlines, only the borders are defined by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). So the outlines are quite arbitrary but similar to most sky charts. Their purpose is just to help identifying the fixed star pattern of each celestial region. Nevertheless, it is always impressive to identify such a fixed star pattern in the real night sky. Go, grab your sky chart and have a try!

Standard Camera

The same optics (28 mm focal length) and conventional slide film was used throughout the entire project. This gives the same standard field of view and similar impressions in color and resolution. Usually more than one constellation appears in an image, but just one constellation is highlighted. The constellations have very different sizes in the sky. Hydra spans a third of the sky and is much larger than the standard field of view. On the other hand is for example Equuleus which appears quite tiny on the photo.

The 88 constellations are complete now.

Andromeda Antlia, the air pump Apus, the bird of paradise

Aquarius, the water bearer Aquila, the eagle Ara, the altar

Aries, the ram Auriga, the charioteer Bootes, the herdsman

Caelum, the chisel Camelopardalis, the giraffe Cancer

Canes Venatici, the hunting dogs Canis Major, the big dog Canis Minor, the lesser dog

Capricornus, the goat

Carina, the keel Cassiopeia

Centaurus, the Centaur Cepheus Cetus, the whale

Chamaeleon, the chameleon Circinus, the compass Columba, the dove

Coma Berenices, Berenice's hair Corona Australis, the southern crown Corona Borealis, the northern crown

Corvus, the crow Crater, the cup Crux, the southern cross

Cygnus, the swan Delphinus, the dolphin Dorado, the swordfish

Draco, the dragon Equuleus, the colt Eridanus, the river

Fornax, the furnace Gemini, the heavenly twins Grus, the crane

Hercules, the kneeling man Horologium, the clock Hydra, the water snake

Hydrus, the little water snake Indus, the indian Lacerta, the lizard

Leo, the lion Leo Minor, the lesser lion Lepus, the hare

Libra, the scales Lupus, the wolf Lynx

Lyra, the lyre

Mensa, the table Microscopium, the microscope

Monoceros, the unicorn Musca, the fly Norma, the square

Octans, the octant Ophiuchus, the serpent bearer Orion, the hunter

Pavo, the peacock Pegasus, the winged horse Perseus

Phoenix Pictor, the painter Pisces, the fishes

Piscis Austrinus, the southern fish Puppis, the stern Pyxis, the compass

Reticulum, the net Sagitta, the arrow Sagittarius, the archer

Scorpius, the scorpion Sculptor Scutum, the shield

Serpens Caput, the head of the serpent Serpens Cauda, the tail of the serpent

Sextans, the sextant

Taurus, the bull Telescopium, the telescope Triangulum, the triangle

Triangulum Australe, the southern triangle Tucana, the toucan Ursa Major, the greater bear

Ursa Minor, the little bear Vela, the sails Virgo, the virgin

Volans, the flying fish Vulpecula, the fox

© all photographs taken by Till Credner, AlltheSky.com