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luna y aureola

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Fecha:02.03.2007 Hora:18:20 - 18:43 UT, 2s interval Exposición:693 x 1/4s
Campo visual:16o x 10o Cámara:Nikon D200 Filtro:ninguno
Óptica:f=85mm, 1/2.8 Lugar:Tübingen, Alemania Observador:Till Credner

© copyright: the sky in

The time lapse movie consists of about 700 frames, one taken each 2s. Thin clouds with water droplets of similar sizes create this ringed moon.

See also:
Moon corona with additional rings
M.G.J. Minnaert: "Light and Color in the Outdoors", Springer-Verlag
R. Greenler: "Rainbows, Halos, and Glories", Cambridge University Press
L. Cowley: "Atmospheric Optics" web site about corona