Orion with Barnards Loop and Lambda Orionis Nebula
Date: | 29.10.1995
| Time: | 3:25 UT
| Exposure: | 60m
Field of View: | 35o x 24o
| Emulsion: | Kodak Ektachrome 400 Elite
| Filter: | none
Instrument: | f=55mm 1/3.5
| Place: |
Calar Alto
| Observer: | T. Credner
© Copyright by the observers
With digital image processing of this conventional photography the
skybackground was subtracted and the contrast enhanced. The colors
and especially the faint emission nebulae are better emphasized
in comparison with the original color slide.
From Colors to Astrophysics
The striking features in this image are the big red emission regions
Barnards Loop and the Lambda Orionis Nebula (around Orions "head"),
both predominantly visible in the light of ionized hydrogen
(H-alpha, 656nm).
Barnards Loop is a remnant of one
or maybe several Supernova explosions. This loop is, as known from
radio-astronomy, much more extended than it can be seen here.
Just the inner part of the material is ionized by high energetic
radiation of the Orion OB1-Association.
This are the blue, hot and massive stars of Orions
"belt" and the surrounding. A completely different star color is
shown by Beteigeuze (Alpha Orionis, left "shoulder") with its
intensive orange. The surface temperature is with 3500 K very
low and so the maximum of the radiated energy spectrum is positioned
in red.
More informations can be found in the
Orion constellation page!
This image is also available at:
Ahnerts Kalender 1999, Hüthig Fachverlage
a comprehensive astronomical Web-Page in spanish by Antoni Parra.
the Orion Cloud
page of Hartmut Frommert