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Latín: Hydrus (Hyi)
Inglés: Water Snake Castellano: Serpiente de Agua
Alemán: Kleine Wasserschlange Francés: Hydre Australe

Right between the Magellanic Clouds you can find the southern constellation of Hydrus (see lines). It shows up as a prominent triangle with stars of third magnitude. Brightest star is beta Hyi at the southwestern corner of the triangle (lower right at a visual magnitude of 2.9).

In mid of November Hydrus culminates at about 10:30 pm local time. The declination of this constellation ranges from -82 to -58 degrees.

Hydrus itself contains only faint deep sky objects. The Large and Small Magellanic Cloud already belong to the neighboring constellations Dorado and Tucana, respectively.

© todas las fotografías han sido obtenidas por Till Credner y Sven Kohle